Tone Vigeland is a Norwegian born artist, born in 1938. I love her sculptural use of form, line and repetition. Her work possesses both chaos and order, complexity and simplicity. Love. Love.

Silver was first obtained in sixteenth-century Mexico by a method called the patio process. It involved mixing silver ore, salt, copper sulphide, and water. The resultant silver chloride was then picked up by adding mercury. Today, a method called the cyanide, or heap leach, process has gained acceptance within the mining industry because it is a low-cost way of processing lower-grade silver ores. A solution of water and sodium cyanide is added to the ore. Solutions are delivered to the heaps by sprinkler systems or methods of ponding, including ditches, injection, or seepage from capillaries. Silver is rarely found alone, but mostly in ores which also contain lead, copper, gold, and other metals which may be commercially valuable.
Four Teardrop Necklace No. 1 |
Brooch in Navy |